CAIIB aims at providing advanced knowledge necessary for better decision making covering Treasury Management, Risk Management, Balance Sheet Management, Credit Management, International Banking, Economic Analysis etc.


Members you have completed JAIIB or PART-1 of the Associate Examination, and their membership subscription should not be in arrears.


A. Compulsory Paper

  1. Advanced Bank Management
  2. Bank Financial Management

B. Elective Papers (Candidates to choose any one of their Choice)

  1. Corporate Banking
  2. Rural Banking
  3. International Banking
  4. Retail Banking
  5. Co-operative Banking
  6. Financial advising
  7. Human Resources Management
  8. Information Technology
  9. Risk Management
  10. Central Banking
  11. Treasury Management

There is no exemption in any of the above subject/s for prior qualification/s.

The Institute has introduced electives to give opportunities for candidates to specialize in the vertical of their choice. Candidates may choose the elective in the area they are currently working or in the area they would like to work in future. It is suggested that the candidates may choose the elective in the area they are currently working and later move to other elective as this will enable appropriate skills/ build up for handling different banking verticals.


  1. Minimum marks for pass in the subject is 50 out of 100.
  2. Candidates securing at least 45 marks in each subject with an aggregate of 50% marks in all subjects of examination in a single attempt will also be declared as having completed the Examination.
  3. Candidates will be allowed to retain credits for the subject they have passed in a attempt till the expiry of the time limit for passing the examination as mentioned below:


  1. Candidates will be required to pass the examination within a time limit of 2 years (i.e. 4 consecutive attempts).
  2. Candidates not able to pass examination within stipulated time period of two years are required to re-enroll themselves afresh. Such candidates will not be granted credit/s for subject/s passed, if any, earlier.
  3. Time limit of 2 years will start from the date of application for First attempt. Attempts will be counted irrespective of whether a candidate appears at any examination or otherwise.


First attempt fee Rs.2,700/-

2nd attempt fee Rs.1,000/-

3rd attempt fee Rs.1,000/-

4th attempt fee Rs.1,000/-

* Plus Convenience charges and Taxes as applicable.

Please Note: Candidates are required to Register for every attempt separately

As a measure to streamline the traffic for registration, Institute will charge regular examination fee to candidates who registers for the examination during the regular open period for registration. For the extended days of registration, late fee of Rs.200 plus taxes, will be charged in addition to regular examination fee. This extended days of registration, also gives candidates addition opportunity to register for the examination, having missed the regular open period of registration. The fee once paid will NOT be refunded or adjusted on any account.


Candidates are allowed to attempt the examination either in Hindi or English, and should clearly fill in their choice of medium at the time of registration of application. In any case change of medium will not be allowed at a later stage.


(i) Question Paper will contain 100 objective type multiple choice questions for 100 marks including questions based on case studies/ case lets. The Institute may however vary the number of questions to be asked for a subject.

(ii) The examination will be held in Online Mode only

(iii) There will NOT be negative marking for wrong answers.

(iv) Questions for the examination will be asked for:

(i) Knowledge testing (vi) Problem solving

(ii) Conceptual grasp (vii) Case analysis

(iii) Analytical/ logical exposition


The duration of the examination will be of 2 hours.


  1. a) Examination will be conducted on pre-announced dates published on IIBF Web Site. Institute conducts examination on half yearly basis, however periodicity of the examination may be changed depending upon the requirement of banking industry.
  2. b) List of Examination centers will be available on the website. (Institute will conduct examination in those centers where there are 20 or more candidates.)


  1. The Institute will consider the FIRST PHYSICAL ATTEMPT of the candidate at the examination as first attempt for awarding class. In other words, the candidate should not have attempted any of the subject/s pertaining to the concerned examination any time in the past and has to pass all the subject as per the passing criteria and secure prescribed marks for awarding class. Candidates re-enrolling for the examination after exhausting all permissible attempts as per the time limit rule will not be considered for awarding class.
  2. First Class: 60% or more marks in aggregate and pass in all the subjects in the FIRST PHYSICAL ATTEMPT
  3. First Class with Distinction: 70% or more marks in aggregate and 60 or more marks in each subject in the FIRST PHYSICAL ATTEMPT.


The duration of the examination will be of 2 hours.


  1. Examination will be conducted on pre-announced dates published on IIBF Web Site. Institute conducts examination on half yearly basis, however periodicity of the examination may be changed depending upon the requirement of banking industry.
  2. List of Examination centers will be available on the website. (Institute will conduct examination in those centers where there are 20 or more candidates.)


The Institute will consider the FIRST PHYSICAL ATTEMPT of the candidate at the examination as first attempt for awarding class. In other words, the candidate should not have attempted any of the subject/s pertaining to the concerned examination any time in the past and has to pass all the subject as per the passing criteria and secure prescribed marks for awarding class. Candidates re-enrolling for the examination after exhausting all permissible attempts as per the time limit rule will not be considered for awarding class.


Application for examination should be registered online from the Institute’s website www.iibf.org.in. The schedule of examination and dates for registration will be published on IIBF website.

The Institute has a practice of asking questions in each exam about the recent developments/ guidelines issued by the regulator(s) in order to test if the candidates keep themselves abreast of the current developments. However, there could be changes in the developments/ guidelines from the date the question papers are prepared and the dates of the actual examinations.

In order to address these issues effectively, it has been decided that:

(i) In respect of the examinations to be conducted by the Institute for the period February to July of a calendar year, instructions/ guidelines issued by the regulator(s) and important developments in banking and finance up to 31st December will only be considered for the purpose of inclusion in the question papers”.

(ii) In respect of the examinations to be conducted by the Institute for the period August to January of a calendar year, instructions/ guidelines issued by the regulator(s) and important developments in banking and finance up to 30th June will only be considered for the purpose of inclusion in the question papers.

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