JAIIB 2023 Revised Syllabus

JAIIB stands for Junior Associates of the Indian Institute of the Bankers. It is an associate examination conducted by the Indian Institute of Banking and Finance(IIBF) and it is one of the flagship course offered by IIBF. This examination is conducted to test the basic knowledge of an individual to work as banking professional.

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Current Rates

CRR : 4.50%
SLR : 18.00%
Repo Rate : 6.50%
Reverse Repo Rate : 3.35%
Bank Rate : 6.75%

Banking Abbreviations

A/C – Account
ACLF – Additional Collateralised Lending Facility
ACS – Automated Clearing Systm.
AD – Authorized Dealer.
ADR – American Depository Receipt.
ADTV – Average Daily Trading Volume
AEPS – Aadhaar Enabled Payments System
AFS – Annual Financial Statement.


Glossary of Banking Terms

Account Statement

Periodic statement of all the debit and credit transactions on an account for a given statement cycle.

Active Account

A bank account in which there are regular transactions. A bank account that is not dormant or inoperative or under an attachment order of the court or enforcement authorities.


Asset-Liability Management Committee (ALCO) is a strategic decision making body, formulating and overseeing the function of asset liability management (ALM) of a bank.


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