Banks need liquidity to meet deposit withdrawals and to fund loan demands. The variability of loan demand and the variability of deposits determine a bank’s liquidity needs.
Effective liquidity management helps in :
Parameters for assessing the adequacy of liquidity position of the bank
Factors affecting the liquidity position of a bank:
How can a bank provide funds for its requirement
Liquidity Risks
Risk can be internal, external or of other category:
Measurement and Management of Liquidity-Risk
Action points for management of liquidity risk There are three steps
(a) Developing a structure for management of liquidity risk
(b) Setting Tolerance limits
(c) Measuring and Management of liquidity risk.
The net funding requirements of a bank can be determined by analyzing the future cash flows based on assumptions of future behaviour of assets, liabilities and off-balance sheet items and thereafter calculating the cumulative net excess over the time fiarne for the liquidity assessment. These aspects can be explained through the concept of (a) maturity ladder (b) alternative scenarios (c) measurement of liquidity over the chosen time frame and (d) assumptions used in determining cash flows.
Ability of a bank to meet the liquidity .crisis would depend upon the contingency plan of a bank. An effective contingency plan takes into account the following:
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